Business Continuity Management – ISO22301

Business Continuity Management – ISO22301

Eng. Ahmed rashidy abdo
المؤلف Eng. Ahmed rashidy abdo
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 Business Continuity Management – ISO22301

Cyber-attacks, Fire, IT breakdowns, Natural disasters, supply chain issues, Pandemic outbreaks or loss of skilled staff are just some of the possible threats to business continuity. If not addressed effectively, they can cause disruption or even business failure which in turn can result in negative impacts on reputation, image, brand of any organization. Consistent planning for what to during disruptions means a more effective response and a quicker recovery.

ISO 22301 Business continuity management systems (BCM) standard is the world’s first International Standard for implementing and maintaining an effective business continuity plans, systems and processes. ISO22301 was published in 2012 and updated to a new version in 2019. It enables an organization to have a more effective response and a quicker recovery, thereby reducing any impact on people, products and the organization’s bottom line.

ISO22301 was revised and updated in 2019 to replace the version of 2012. The new version provides more clarity and consistency in the business continuity management system requirements with greater clarification of what is required.

ISO22301 was one of the first standards to apply High level structure – HLS to be easily integrated with other management system such as ISO9001:2015 – Quality management system (QMS) standard, ISO14001:2015 – Environmental management system (EMS) standard, and ISO45001:2018 – Health and safety management (OHSMS) standard.
ISO22301 is applicable to all organizations regardless of size, nature, or industry sector. It is applicable for private, public sectors, governmental and semi-governmental bodies organizations.  ISO22301 can also be used for certification purposes.
ISO22301 was developed by globally recognised business continuity experts bringing together some of the world’s best practice to help organizations of any kind respond to, and recover from, disruptions effectively.  
Business continuity management system helps organizations to be resilient and to be able to adapt to changes, it also helps organizations to recover from disruptions quickly through defined response plans, thereby providing reassurance to their clients, suppliers, regulators and other stakeholders that they are not only prepared for disruption, but in shape for the future



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